These amazing nylons got some attention let me tell you!
For the first time a man actually approached me, he asked if they were tattoos on my legs.
I said "No, it is the pattern on my tights",
"Wow", he replied. "Might sound weird, but can I see your toes and touch them? I think my wife would love a pair of these!"
"Do you know who I am?" I replied...
"No" the stranger bumbled.
"Get your phone out then and you can take some photos, but nobody touches my feet, I really can't tell you why!"
I'm not sure if he really did know who I was, maybe he will make an appearance here one day, I have his number so he could WhatsApp me these wonderful photos.
Here is what the stranger captured...
As the stranger left, I rolled off these amazing pantyhose and placed them in his hand...
#StayAlert everyone, you just never know!
Absolutely beautiful story. Love your pattern tights. My God they are spectacular on you and with our outfit💖💖💖💖
Wasnt a fan of gardening.....but very interested now!